Fantasy Newsletter No.28

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  1. FANTASY NEWSLETTER No.28 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It is a fanzine cover drawing. The original drawing is B&W, the editor, Paul C. Allen added the background color with an overlay sheet.

    Occasionally, as in this case, an editor would alter the appearance of my artwork before printing it. Since the original drawing is physically not affected by the alteration, I usually don't mind. In this case I think the added color enhances the esthetics of the image.

    I did have problems with the ethics of one editor who paid me a small fee to do a small quarter page illustration, and then printed it as a full page illustration! That's cheating, I should have received 4 times the amount I was paid.

    The legality of the matter is this; The size of an original drawing or painting is irrelevant, the publisher is paying for the size that the artwork will appear in the magazine or book. For example, a publisher's contract may have the following rates for artwork; $100 for Full page, $50 for half page, $25 for quarter page. Therefore, if an artist's contract calls for a quarter page drawing it does not matter how small or large he makes the drawing, he will be paid $25 and the artwork will be printed as a quarter page illustration. The rate for cover art may be $2,500, the artist can use any size canvas, illustration board, or paper he chooses to do the cover art.

    I complained to that editor that he paid me $25 for a quarter page drawing but he printed it as a full page illustration, so I should be paid $100. He replied that the drawing was a small one and was not worth a $100 fee, I told him that by contract he was paying for the "printed size" of the artwork, not the artwork's original size. Reluctantly, he sent the balance due me.

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